Krystal St.Amant.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Early Medieval.

Beowulf is not just a movie that opened in the early 2000s. The movie does not give justice to the classic epic poem of written in the early medieval time period. The story is not in any way an obvious religious tale. It does not praise god openly or make references to deity the whole time. But upon further investigation, we can see that perhaps, in between the poetic lines of Beowulf lies tale promoting christian ideals and characteristics, that we can see being personified in the characters.
There is speculation that Beowulf was written by a monk. This is a somewhat credible theory, considering the fact that hardly anyone was literate back in this day. In the story, we see the principles of selfless love given through sacrifice, which draws an obvious parallel with the death of Christ. Deity may not have been as openly influential in the lives of these people, but through stories, the people could relate to ideas of Christ.

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