Krystal St.Amant.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Kouros is a statue type from ancient Greece, also known as the Archaic Greek era. The statues are widely accepted as depictions of male youths of the time, but the original was a representation of the god Apollo. Made of marble usually, these pieces of art have lasted many years and proven useful in the process of uncovering our past unknown history.
A possible link between Egyptian art style and the Archaic Greek era seems obvious in pieces such as kouri. The stance and even the overall look of the man's face, hair, and build reflects ideas of Egyptian culture.
The fact that the original Kouros was made in the likeness of the god Apollo is made evident through another piece of art, depicted on a vase. The worship of the perfect body and the polytheistic paths of the Greek people seem to interweave. The Gods were heeded and worshiped through artistic expression. All of the art pieces have a common thread: a fit, able body.
The depiction of the strong, healthy body has always been a trend visible in Greek culture, even before the Classical period, when the concept really took flight.

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