Krystal St.Amant.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Egyptian Hieroglyphics practiced an ancient alphabet, comprising more than five hundred characters. The alphabet was difficult to learn and master. It combined elements of logo-graphic and alphabetic styles of practice. The concept of hieroglyphs is a very old one, possibly being inherited into Egypt from the former Mesopotamian people.
One of the main uses of the hieroglyph alphabet was for religious literature, especially the cursive form of the writing. For religious burial ceremonies, hieroglyphics were utilized to decorate the walls, the sarcophagi, and the famous "Book of the Dead". This magical funerary book's purpose was for the living to recite spells to help the one who has died to reach the afterlife. The people were very focused on the afterlife and their role in proving worthy to their deities.
Many gods were worshiped in ancient Egypt. Some included Ra, Osiris, and Anubis. Religion was a way of life for the Egyptians, and the hieroglyph writing system was just another way to show respect and honor to the gods of the afterlife.

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